May 2010... where is the time going? It's true what they say: The older you get the faster time flies! With that said, I am getting old and time is flying by it seems!!! I love this time of year...not having to wear a COAT!!!!! Soon...only 6 months to Christmas! It's my favorite time of year and crazy as it may be...I usually start listening to Christmas music about June or July! HA! I always have, guess I always will! ;0) So silly!
~Recently I took a road trip with friends to east Texas, before we left Dallas we toured Swiss Avenue. Due to my love for old houses I was in awe! Took way too many pics but wanted to share a few!
~On to Ann's lakehouse on Lake Cypress Springs, we ventured to Tyler to see the amazing Azaela Trails ( a path along streets of older homes that have amazing azaela's and yards to walk through ...) of which we were amazed!
~We came upon a house that opened their amazing backyard for you to walk through and met the owner, who was retired from ~of all places~Dallas and had spent 15 years getting his yard to look like this! It had so many features, from a bridge you crossed over to fountains, purgola's, grapes growing, ferns growing out of the side of the driveway wall...incredible display!
~This is a tropical snowball tree! ~I also, got a pic of a tree that was so large it had taken over the curb!
I am a native Texan, and I live about 15 minutes from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Texas, United States...Last Sept. I started a booth at Lonestar Antiques...I have a love for anything old and Vintage...add a little history to it and I am hooked! Come visit...The Vintage Vine...#1959 and check out our Tea Room and'll love it all! 5605 n. Denton Hwy (377), Ft. Worth, TX 76148 (817) 503.0441~ I have two son's and one daughter-in-law, and two
granddaughters! I became a grandmother February 23, 2010 to twin girls! Mae and Vivian and they make my heart melt! I am Mimi now!!! ;0)