These are a few of my favorite things... I love aprons~old,new,unique,short,long, I had to display these...
My newest addition from my friend Sherry for my Birthday!
Thanks Sherry!;0)
Well, I get it now...I am over the hill as of June 16th... FIFTY ONE YEARS! Wow to the wow! Thank god I don't feel that old! So here I am, and I just have to share the card my youngest son got for me! It was just too cute!!! Some of you will recogonize the phone on the front...that alone dates us! HA! ;0)
Here it is... thanks Lad!
I am a native Texan, and I live about 15 minutes from Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Texas, United States...Last Sept. I started a booth at Lonestar Antiques...I have a love for anything old and Vintage...add a little history to it and I am hooked! Come visit...The Vintage Vine...#1959 and check out our Tea Room and'll love it all! 5605 n. Denton Hwy (377), Ft. Worth, TX 76148 (817) 503.0441~ I have two son's and one daughter-in-law, and two
granddaughters! I became a grandmother February 23, 2010 to twin girls! Mae and Vivian and they make my heart melt! I am Mimi now!!! ;0)