Where does time GO? I want to know...I want to write a children's book someday and title it WHERE DOES TIME GO? ... when I have the time! HA! I have been so caught up in working and moving to my little Townhome / Apartment...that I have neglected my antique booth and my blog!!! So here I am to catch up just a little...and soon will be back in force...I love blogging and miss all of you!!! But life has been calling so needless to say I had to answer!!! I am moved into my new little haven and am loving it...will post pics soon...did not get to post my Round Top pics yet either...soooo behind! My twin granddaughter's are TWO...taking Gymnastics and doing so well!!! We are so blessed by them!!! Life is moving fast and I hope to keep up and would love to get ahead if that is even possible?
So with all this said...I am leaving you these little buttons...they both seemed very fitting as of now...you can grab them from shabby blogs!

Hugs ...