I recently checked off many of my "want to do someday" things to do...
It all started with me helping out a long time friend with her move from Las Cruces, New Mexico to Brady, TX! My friend Rhonda needed someone to drive her car as she had 3 horses to transport herself...soooo I volunteered! ;0) I drove from the metroplex to Salado where my Brother and Sister-in-law live with intentions of leaving my car there so to have it upon returning to Texas.
Horsefeathers...one of my favs in Salado... |
My sister-in-law Doni, drove me to the Austin airport and from there I flew to ElPaso, TX where Rhonda picked me up and we drove about 30 mins. to her cute little adobe house in Las Cruces! Rhonda is a single mother of a 18 year old daughter...Marissa! They have 3 horses, 4 dogs and 1 cat! All very well behaved I might add! Sooo the journey began...we traveled from Las Cruces to Brady in about 24 hours...with a friend in the caravan with her truck 2 kids and a stock trailer holding all the furniture! So yes, we were in running with the Beverly Hillbilly's...on our way, I might add, to the HILL country! HA! Rhonda drove straight thru with the horses, her friend Cathy had two flats on the way...took waaaayyyy longer than expected! I drove the car about 5 hours and stopped in Fort Stockton and spent the night...woke up 5 hours later and drove 6 more hours to Brady! Brady is a cute little country town, with a Wal-Mart, Sonic, DQ, Chicken Express, McDonalds and a few hotels...the country square was being remodeled! Nice little town!!! I was sooo glad to arrive to Brady, we finished up there and drove from Brady to Salado where I spent the night with my Brother and sister-in-law, Wayne and Doni! I was so glad to see them and get to visit with them as well!!! They had roast and potatoes waiting for me!!! Yummy! Thank you Wayne and Doni!!!! It was so nice to have a home cooked meal!!! Wayne works nights and Doni works days...so the next morning...
I woke up and traveled on to Cedar Park, before Austin, to visit with my High School friend and Maid of Honor in my wedding...LuAnn, her husband Ron was in our class as well, so it was good to see him also! We reminisced and they bought my lunch! Thanks Ron and LuAnn! We ate mexican food and it was delicious! Enjoyed our time together sooo much...LuAnn and I had not spent time together like that in a long time!
So nice to catch up...it was just like old times! Love you LuAnn!!!
Me and LuAnn... |
I then left Cedar Park and headed back north to Clifton, TX where my Aunt Pat lives on the family farm. The farm has been in the family since her mother's parents! We hope to keep it in the family always! It was so good to see her and catch up there as well. We drank iced tea and sat outside under the tree and visited till almost dark, I got to see her bottle fed calf Ida...sooo cute! I forgot to take a pic of cute little Ida!!! We went into Clifton had dinner and returned to the farm! So glad to go back to childhood memories on the farm!
Hill Country... |
I then traveled on North to Hamilton, TX where I planned to meet my only first cousin on my mother's side who I had not seen since we were children! I had made reservations at The Inn at Circle T Ranch...what a find out in the middle of no where! A mini Gaylord Texan is how I would describe it! For those not familiar I encourage you to look it up on- line. I was about 1 of 3 people staying there! R & R at it's best!
Welcome to Hamilton, TX |
The Inn at Circle T Ranch...Hamilton, Texas |
My room... |
View out my room... |
Cut out painting in hallway... |
The Lobby at Inn at Circle T... |
The lodge eating room...buffet breakfast...leading out to pool... |
Nice mirror in bathroom... |
My little souvenir... |
Nice chair! |
I had arrived very late at night because I had to drive about 45 mph... due to all the deer on the side of the road...I new if I went faster I would end up hitting one...and certainly did not want that to happen! So finally after arriving, I checked in, took a long shower and turned down the ac and slept like a princess! I had plans to meet my cousin Lisa at 2 pm...so I drove in to Meridian, TX where I went to my family's grave side and visited their graves. I then went to downtown Meridian to an antique store there that I love to shop...found a silver Angel that was a bell and got it to give to Lisa! This antique store has some really old unique things you don't see all the time! I always enjoy this store! I headed back to Hamilton to meet Lisa...It was sooo good to see her and catch up on our lives! She is married and has two son's as so do I! I gave her the angel and when she opened it...she was so happy and told me she collected angels! I was so happy to have chosen this angel to give her! It was a special moment! Sometimes it truly is the little things in life!!!
Me and Lisa... |
I later went down to the pool which was nestled in the side of the hill with a waterfall flowing down to the pool...looked up at the stars so bright and had a little quiet time with my feet dangling in the water! Soooo relaxing!
Hamilton is a wonderful town with beautiful houses and courthouse on the square...
Hamilton Court House on the square... |
If only this house could talk... |
Beautiful Church... |
Queen B's...it was closed...looked really fun!!! Next time! |
I then woke up the next day checked out of this wonderful little retreat and traveled on
to Historic Hico Texas...
A few pics along the way...
Patriotic Gas tank and windmill... |
Country road...
Patriotic entrance...
Hico....Continued...on next blog... |